Emotional Detox
© Mira Katja Watson, Sep 2011
…at a glance
Quit complaining.
I don’t complain, you say… Really?
Moaning, wingeing, wanting things to be different from how they are… These forms of expression are the fastest way to ruin a happy situation and cast a thick smog of heavy gloom over your whole family. |
Just stop. Don’t say it. Its cold, you’re miserable, the kids are playing up, just don’t say it. Accept and get on with it, stay quiet and focus on something constructive. Find the beauty and the fun in the ordinary. Look for it and ignore the rest as much as possible.
This is the biggest possible contribution that you can make to your family and it will have instant results. If it’s a strong habit for you, it may be weeks before you can actually think of something else to say. But the silence will be a huge improvement. Not joking!
Stop criticizing
I don’t criticize much, you say. Is that so?
Don’t do that, don’t put that there, why don’t you… These are all forms of criticism. They give the message that the other is wrong and that you know better. Do you really? Are they wrong? Does it create a good atmosphere? No. So stop. You don’t like it either when others have a go at you. If you don’t like what another is doing ask calmly if they would mind changing it, and if they don’t, then leave. No negativity.
Stop shoulding
You should have said/done that instead. The past is over. Is it true you should have? No. obviously not, because you didn’t. If you should someone else it’s the same as criticism, and if you should yourself you just make yourself depressed and regretful. Its completely insane as a way of thinking because the past is totally over and not changeable. Think about what you could do next time if you have to, or just move on.
be honest
Well if you don’t say what you feel or you want you cant get it. And if you lie you are making it hard for others to relate to you, and you will be angry and resentful because you are not giving yourself a chance. If you lie to your kids they can tell straight away and you look like a fool and lose your authority.
Telling the truth is much less stressful and uses only a fraction of the energy of covering your tracks and backing up your lies. Honesty can be funny and refreshing and brings a breath of unexpected fresh air into any situation because most people are not honest. Its liberating for yourself and others. Have a go.
do what you want
And be yourself. Why not? Who is stopping you? If you follow this rule you will lift your own spirits and those of your family and people around you. Doing what you want is like being honest. It generates more and more positive energy. And sets a good example to others.
Accept everything.
Say yes to what is happening, to what you are feeling, experiencing and doing. |
Why? Because it is happening, so to resist it is futile and wastes energy. Acceptance in the face of crisis often opens unseen doors of opportunity and solutions appear, only seconds after a seeming catastrophe.
Also accept your own NO to a situation and stick with yourself. Only you know what is right for you. And no-one else needs to approve that.
don’t believe your thoughts
they are total and utter rubbish. Thoughts are not reality, they are thoughts, concepts. Feel if you want to experience reality, and let your heart and body guide you to your truth.
Please feel free to print/email this list to your friends/partners/colleagues.
If you have specific emotional toxins you’d like to root out, please book a session in person or by skype. I would be delighted to assist… Sometimes its easier to see the negativity you are creating and let it go with the help of another trained perspective…