Transformational Pregnancy
The adult brain is formed by experiences starting in the womb. The whole of later life is affected by the foetal experience in the womb. Emotional connection or lack of it, nutrition, stress, all play a part. Unfortunately Lack of emotional confidence and destructive internal working models can be set up very early in life, even before the baby is born. Unborn children feel what the mother feels, and experience her environment, and yet are so sensitive they are unable to protect themselves from any influences. The mother’s attunement to the baby in the womb can make a huge difference to their start in life, as can the father’s presence and positive support of the mother. |
Before the baby is born is a good time to learn about how to connect with a young preverbal infant, and to reflect on one’s own experiences of being parented. It also gives a headsart in solving your own emotional issues and learning the tools for giving the child what they need emotionally to develop, rather than waiting till the infant is screaming uncontrollably and you haven’t slept for a week.
The overreactive stress response – the inabiltiy to switch off cortisol - underlies chronic depression, and is determined by the quality of emotional attention the baby receives. This begins in the womb. An ignored foetus can be in great emotional distress, and already depressed by the time s/he is born. The overactive stress response is thought to underlie serious adult depression. Other crucial brain systems are also developing and being fine tuned in infancy.
If an infant’s feelings have not been identified and responded to in a present moment way, the baby may develop the need to escape from feelings. Later this leads to a susceptibility to illness and addictions rooted in the estrangement form one’s own body. Therefore early infancy is a crucial time for the parents to be prepared, and have practiced learning to relate empathetically. The importance of proper attention in the earliest stages of life cannot be overemphasized. It is crucial to the baby’s future development.
In our inspiring and experiential classes, you will explore how to…
1. Connecting with your innate wisdom: how to feel your body, calm your nervous system, access your innate knowledge. Contemplate your own parents and your early experience and look at your own unconscious relational patterns. Become aware…
2. Relating to your child: how to connect your heart with the child in the womb, learning attuned attention, empathy, emotional regulation, how to listen, why this matters, the importance of “being with” your child, and letting them be them.
3. Transparent communication: practising being real: saying what you feel, being honest, boundaries, how honesty builds self-esteem in your child and makes family life more relaxed & joyful
4. Children as Mirrors: what to do when your buttons get pushed, projection, freeing yourself from conditioning, how to change yourself & watch your child improve, dispelling conditioned ideas about children and childhood to give yours a better chance of being themselves.
This course is in 4 weekly installments, whether taken at a workshop or via skype. The content covered is the same, however individual attention is greater via skype, as reflected in the price.
Can fathers do this course?
Yes, it is not just for mothers. The same parenting principles apply whether you are male or female, and by informing yourself and starting to increase your awareness of relationship and emotion before the birht, you will get yourself a head start. Informing yourself before the baby arrives is a far more responsible, and less stressful approach than after…